Computer Science, asked by jagratvashishth03925, 6 months ago

1. In how many ways tables can be created in Base?

2. Why are data types used in DBMS /RDBMS?

3. List datatypes available in Numeric Datatype?

4. List datatypes available in Alphaumeric Datatype?

5. Define the structure of a table.

6. Differentiate between Tuples and Attributes of a table.

7. Name different Binary data types.

The person who gives the answer to these questions correctly he/she will be marked as Brainliest​


Answered by aditya0557944

this is fourth answer.

1ans:- 3 ways tables can be created in base

2ans:- A "database management system (DBMS)" is a software application used to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data information in a database. While adding a field to a table in the database, fields are created as a specific data type. Data types are classified to identify possible values stored in the column

3ans:- Data Types for Fixed-point Numbers. NUMBER. DECIMAL , NUMERIC. INT , INTEGER , BIGINT , SMALLINT , TINYINT , BYTEINT. ...

Data Types for Floating Point Numbers. FLOAT , FLOAT4 , FLOAT8. DOUBLE , DOUBLE PRECISION , REAL. Examples of Floating Point Data Types in a Table.

Numeric Constants.

5ans:- (1) Rows and columns

The cells in a table's horizontal plane constitute rows; the cells in the vertical plane constitute columns. The row is the unit for performing operations on a table. Each row consists of data entries from one or more columns. Each column is given a column name.

6ans:- An attribute is a name paired with a domain (nowadays more commonly referred to as a type or data type). An attribute value is an attribute name paired with an element of that attribute's domain, and a tuple is a set of attribute values in which no two distinct elements have the same name.

7ans:- Binary Data Types. Binary columns can contain data such as graphic images, which cannot easily be stored using character or numeric data types. Synonyms for byte, varbyte, and long byte are binary, varbinary, and binary large object, respectively.

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