Chemistry, asked by judetv789, 7 months ago

1. In the 19th century a scientist called John Dalton used symbols to represent atoms. The symbols he used for three different elements are shown below.

The 5 diagrams below shows different combinations of these three atoms

Q1. Choose the letter of the diagram which shows a mixture of two elements.
Q2. Choose the letter of the diagram which shows a mixture of two compounds.
Q3. Choose the letter of the diagram which shows a mixture of an elements and a compound.

1. Hydrogen is an explosive gas, and oxygen supports combustion? How is it possible, then, for water, which is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, to put out fires?
2. Label the parts of the atom pictured below. Make sure to include all of the words in the word bank.
Electron, Nucleus, Neutron, Proton, Orbit (Shell)


Answered by sujeetsahani8745

where are diagram???

yoυ wíll gεt ɦαlf poíɳts of yoυr qυεstíoɳs rεcεívεd wɦεɳ yoυ mαrk my αɳswεr αs Brαíɳlíεst αɳswεr

Answered by anjalinandasana


There aren't any diagrams. So diagrams, No answer:)

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