English, asked by GAUNAL, 4 months ago

1.IN THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE ONE WORD HAS BEEN OMITTED IN EACH LINE . WRITE THE MISSING WORD IN FiIRST LINE The Trojans thought that the war/ over and all the Greeks/ left for ever. They saw the huge wooden horse left /the Greeks. It was a great piece / work. They pulled the horse / the city and left it in the middle everyone to see. That night when the Trojans /asleep, the Greek soldiers opened the trap door and came out of the horse.

Plz tell the answer fast ​


Answered by priya212074


hugged h bhi ycchk txgfbm gcbkxgcg gcgcvm gcvm

Answered by yashvardhanagarwal


The trojans thought that the war was over and all the greeks were left for ever. They saw the huge wooden horse left by the greeks. It was a great piece of work. They pulled the horse in the city and left it in the middle everyone to see. That night when trojans were asleep, the greek soldiers open the trap door and came out of the horse

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