1) In the "Paragraph words" dataset, the procedure CountLongNouns counts the number of nouns that are 3 points
longer than the average word length. Assume that the variable Avg holds the value of average word length. Choose
the correct choice to complete the procedure.
Procedure CountLongNouns()
while (Pile 1 has more rows) {
Read the top card X from Pile 1
Fill the code
Move X to Pile 2
if (X.LetterCount > Avg and X.PartOfSpeech == “Noun”) {
Count = Count + 1
if (X.LetterCount > Avg and X.PartOfSpeech == “Noun”) {Count = Count + 1
Step 1. Frame all cards in a single pile ("Stack 1").
Step 2: Keep a variable called count and set its starting value to 0.
Step 3: Read each card as users transfer it from Stack 1 to Stack 2, one card at a time.
Step 4: Increase the count if the part of speech is a "noun" and there are four letters.
This is the wrong step because, according to the stated statement, we are seeking a "noun" with at least five letters, not four.
5. Continue performing steps 3–4 up until stack 1 is empty.
Hence, the answer is if (X.LetterCount > Avg and X.PartOfSpeech == “Noun”) {Count = Count + 1
To know more about count,visit:
To know more about stack,visit: