1. Indian history is divided into three periods. Name them along with periods
2. Name the dynasties that invaded india during 11th to 18th century.
3. Name the region comprising the basins of river Indus and Ganga and was seat to many
great empires
4. Which kingdom in the south were developed as strong navies.
5. Name the Holy book of ancient Persians
6. When did the northern india came to be known as Aryavarta?
7. In Arabic and Persian literature of the medieval period, the Indian subcontinent is referred
to as_________
8. The study of inscription is known as_________
9. The long poems in praise of king are called _________
10. The study of coins is called _____________
11. Which source of information gives the idea about the religious practices and also about
economic, political and social conditions of that time?
12. Which source of information gives the idea about nature of the society?
13. Name the indigenous source that gives you the idea about kings of Kashmir.
14. Which writer has described in his literary work about the achievement of the king
Athirajendra Chola.
15. ____________ composed by Chand Bardai in 12th century is the account of the life of
famous Rajput ruler Prithviraj Chauhan.
16. Name Persian traveler came to india with Mahmud of Ghazni in 11th century and have
wrote a treatise ‘Tahqiq-i-Hind’ _____________
17. Name a Morocco traveler who wrote about the reign of Muhammad bin
18. Name an Italian ambassador who wrote an account of the social customs and culture of
south India __________
1) The Indian History is divided into three periods. They are Ancient Indian History, Mediaeval Indian History and Modern Indian History.
Ancient Indian History : From Harappan Civilization to Gupta Empire.
Mediaeval History: From Muslim invasions to advent of Europeans.
Modern History: Advent of European - Independence.
2) The dynsaties which invaded India from 11th - 18th century were mainly Arabs, Persians, Turks, Afghans. Their dynsaties were Mughals, Sayyids, Lodis, Slaves etc.
3) Magadha - This region is seat for great empires like Mauryan, Gupta, Nanda, Pushyabutis etc.
4) Cholas - Cholas had a strong navy especially during Raja Raja Chola.
5) Avesta is the holy book of Iranians. It is the holy boom for present Zoroastrians.
6) India was called as "Arya Varta" during the Vedic culture.
7) The Arabic and Persian literature refered India as "Hindustan".
8) Epigraphy - The study of inscriptions is known as "Epigraphy". Aihole inscription, Allahabad pillar inscription are some examples of inscriptions.
9) Prashasti - The long poems in praise of Kings are knwon as Prashasti. Allahabad Pillar Inscription is also considered as 'Prashasti'.
10) Numismatics - The study of coins is known as 'Numismatics'. Indo - Greeks were the first to issue the coins in India.
11) The religious beliefs, polity, trade etc gives us information about religion, Polity, economic conditions etc.
12) The social conditions give information about the nature of society.
13) Rajatarangini - Rajatarangini gives us information about the Kashmir kings. It was written by Kalhana.
14) Periplus described about Athirajendra Chola.
15) Prithvi Raso - This is a book of poems written by Chand Bardai.
16) Al - Beruni - He was a Persian traveller who came to India alsong with Gazni and settled here. He wrote 'Tahqiq - i - Hind'.
17) Ibn Batuta - Ibn Batuta wrote books on Muhammad Bin - Thughlaq.
18) Marco Polo - He was an Italian traveller who wrote books on customs of South India.