1. Insert suitable articles:
It was ___ cold winter night. There was __slight breeze and
____few drops of rain felt gently on ____ roof of our house.
Outside on ____ branch of _____ tree ____ owl hooted at
_____ sound of ____ mouse jumping in _____ bushes.
Suddenly _____ cloud came in front of _____ moon and
darkness covered _____ ground like ____ umbrella.
2. Fill in the blanks with the suitable adverbs given in brackets.
(Accidentally, always, carefully, yesterday, outside, usually,
suddenly, angrily)
a. Neil stopped_______ and listened.
b. Nathan stamped his feet__________.
c. I _______ glued the last piece onto the model.
d. Sam ___________slipped on the ice.
e. _________, they played a game.
f. I __________hug my mother when I get home.
g. My dog ____________barks.
h. The children are playing __________.
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