History, asked by rooplal884, 3 months ago

1._____ is considered the first and the most ancient book of Sanskritgrammar.

a. Panini
b. Simha
c. Bhairavi
d. Chandbardai

2.Harappan script, having signs, is yet not deciphered

a. 404 b. 200 c. 4000
d. 400

3.The Vedic Aryan lived in a region called .

b. Makran
c. Sapta Sindhu
d. Bodhgaya

4.Astangik marg is also called as the marg.

a. Madhya

5.”It is difficult to get such an image of ancient animal- statue, which is an excellent beautiful piece” is a statement

given by .

a. Procopius
b. Jordanes
c. Ibn Khaldun
d. Vincent Smith​


Answered by cn271189


1. Panini


3.The early Vedic Aryans lived in the area known as sapta-sindhu meaning area of seven rivers. This area largely covers the northwestern part of South Asia up to river Yamuna . The seven rivers included Sindhu, Vitasta ( Jhelum ), Asikni ( Chenab ), Parushni (Ravi), Vipash (Beas), Shutudri (Sutlej) and the Sarasvati.


5.Even today, this famous animal statue draws many thoughts and theories. One cannot help thinking what the maker of the statue was thinking when he or they made this statue. Horse Statues : Horses are such beautiful creatures as the combine the beauty of motion with the immense practicality of their many uses.


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