English, asked by himanshugautam247, 3 months ago

1 It's a headache having a headache Almost all of us have suffered from
headache at some time of the other for some, s headache is a constant
companion and life can be a painful hell of wasted time
2. The most important step to cope with headaches is to identify the type of
headache one is suffering from intension headache (two-handed headaches
feeling of a tight band around the head exists along with pain in the neck and
shoulders. It usually follows activities such as long stretches of driving, typing or
sitting on the desk. It is usually short-timed, but can also last for days a weeks
3. A headache is usually caused due to spinal misalignment of the head, due to
poor posture. Sleeping on the stomach with the head turned to one sa
bending over the position for a long time make it worse
4. In migraine headache (one-handed headache), the pain is usually on one sided
the head and may be accompanied by nausza, sorting imitability and bright
spots or Hashes of light. This headache is made worse by activity, especially
bending. The throbbing pain in the head gets worse by naise and lighe. Cena
triggers for migraines maybe chocolate, smoking, too little sleep or too much
sleep, hunger, etc. The pain may last from 8 to 24 hours and there may be a
hangover for two-three days.
5. Migraine is often caused by an aura"- changes in sight and sensation. These
usually a family history of migraine.
6. In a headache, the pain originates nat from the brain but from irritated nenes
of muscles, blood vessels and bones. These send pain signals to the brain, which
then judges the degree of distress and relays it to appropriate sites. The pain
sometimes be referred to sites other than the problem areas. This is known as
referred pain and occurs due to sensation overload. Thus, though most headaches
start at the base of the skull, the referred pain is felt typically behind the eyes.
7. Factors causing headaches are not fully understood but it is known that a stat
in the level of body hormones and chemicals, certain food and drinks, and
environmental stress can trigger them
8. If headache troubles you often, visit the doctor who will take a fail bean
history relating to diet, lifestyle, stresses, the type of headache, triggering factors
and relief measures You may be asked to keep a "headache diary' which teils a
to list the time the headache started, wThen it ended, emotions, smirenzen
and food and drink factors which may have contributed to it The Dipe and
severity of pain and the medications used which provided most relief, are also te
be listed
9. This helps the doctor in determining the exact cause and type of headache and
the type of drugs to use. Apart from this, a physical examination is done to nie
out any serious underlying cause. The blood pressure is recorded vision tested
and muscle coordination of the eyes is checked to rule out these x causes
blood test may be done to rule out anemia, diabetes and thyroid disease Fany of
the above is abnormal or otherwise, a CT Scan or MRI may be done to see tissue
and structures around the brain These will rule out causes such as tumous
hemorrhage, and infection of the brain This examination gives a dear pictures
the problem to the doctor.
10. Immediate relief can be obtained by certain medications and a few sim
self-care techniques Using ice against the pain 'site', covering eyes with a
glasses, drinking plenty of fluids and lying down in a dark and quiet room provide
relief in a migraine attack Painkillers like aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminops
can be taken and provide relief in different proportions. These should be used
with caution and under medical supervision as all of them can cause many ses
effects if used for long periods and in large quantities. An anti ametike
perinorm can help nausea associated with a migraine
(ə) On the basis of reading the passage, make notes on it, using headings and so
headings. Also use recognizable abbreviations, wherever necessary Give
passage a suitable title to it (5 marks
(b) Write a summary of the notes prepared. In not more than 30 words (mark)​


Answered by AnkithNellikkal62





Answered by ketanpadhiar09




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