1.j) Name the sound producing organ in human beings. (For 1 mark)
2.j) How does the atmospheric pressure change with increase in temperature? Explain. (For 2 marks)
3.g) A pendulum oscillates 80 times in 5 seconds. Find it's time period and frequency. Explain it with formula(s). (For 3 marks)
*Important questions so please answer judiciously and correctly
*Mention the question no. correctly
*Please don't leave the answer in half or post something irrelevant
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Answer 3 is in the attachment.
1.The larynx is also called a voice box which is the sound- producing organ of human beings.
2.Warm air causes air pressure to rise. When air molecules collide, they exert force on each other. When gas molecules are heated, the molecules move more quickly, and the increased velocity causes more collisions. As a result, more force is exerted on each molecule and air pressure increases.
Hope it's helpful!

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