CBSE BOARD X, asked by sb4603011, 1 month ago

1.(JPEG) photographs are stored on the web pages in this


2. ____________ the disease that affects our gums.

3. ___________ farming is without the use of synthetic fertilizer.

4. __________ was a great mathematician and a physicist.

5. The number of protons is the nucleus of an a _____________.

6. __________ the oldest system of medicine w believes in healing

the patient in a natural way.

7. _________was introduced by safge Agasthya in which he prepared

medicines’ by natural things.

8._______________ (a disease) affects our immune system.

9. It is the capacity for doing work _______________.

10. Full form of B.R.I.C. ______________.

plz help me,,,, then I make you Brentlist...​



Answered by bhagavatpole668


format brainly the correct answer

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