1. List any three plaeolithec and neolihic sites of india and where they r
2.feature of new stone age
3.differentiatie betweem edicts and inscriptions
4. souces of history
5.list the major ancient civilizations of the world
i hv test on this and i need u r help i give 75 points? maybe
Hey Friend,
1 Answer:
Palaeolithic age-
1. Adamagrah hill in narmaala valley.
2. Kurnool in Andra pradesh.
3. Attriampakka near chennai.
Neolithic age-
1. Grow hills in meghalaya
2. Chirana and senwaar in Bihar.
3. Amri, kotdiji.
2 Answer:
- Changing Environment
- Discovery of agriculture
- Beggining of settled life in village
- Domestication of animals
- Invention of wheels
- Pottery and other arts
- Better tools and weapons
- Extended use of fire
3 Answer:
Edicts- A royal command, it orders a peron to do or not do a certain thing, SUch offical orders engrowed on metal, stones, rocks or pillars. These are called edicts.
Inscriptions- Thousands of these have been found which relate to harappa belonging to 3,000 B.c/ certain independence or events restling to kings. These are called Inscriptions.
4 Answer:
Megaliths, Animal bones, Old buildings and monuments, Coins, Shelters, Pottery, Edicts and inscriptions and Tools and Weapons.
5 Answer:
The Tigris
The Nile Valley
The Indus Valley
The Hwang- Ho
Greek Civilization
Iranian Civilization
Roman Civilization
Tysm for asking!