Computer Science, asked by piyushmehra830, 7 months ago

1. Machine language is a binary language


Answered by diveshabd


Machine language, or machine code, is a low-level language comprised of binary digits (ones and zeros). ... Since computers are digital devices, they only recognize binary data. Every program, video, image, and character of text is represented in binary. This binary data, or machine code, is processed as input by the CPU.

Binary information is sometimes also referred to as machine language since it represents the most fundamental level of information stored in a computer system. At a physical level, the 0s and 1s are stored in the central processing unit of a computer system using transistors.

Answered by Najirpirjade


Machine language, or machine code, is a low-level language comprised of binary digits (ones and zeros). ... Since computers are digital devices, they only recognize binary data. Every program, video, image, and character of text is represented in binary. This binary data, or machine code, is processed as input by the CPU.

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