1. Make a list of twenty things you see in your school
The twenty things which we see in our school:
1. Desk
These are typically where students do their work during class. Usually, the teacher also has one.
2. Chalkboard
On this huge, black screen in the front of the classroom, the teacher typically writes.
3. Chalk
The things which teacher uses to write on black screen.
4. White board
These are frequently used in place of chalkboards, which must be written on with markers.
5. Eraser
This item can be used to erase pencil, chalk, or marker.
6. Slideshow / PowerPoint presentation
Teachers now frequently project a series of slides onto a ____ to electronically communicate information to the class.
7. Projector
Use a projector if you wish to show a slideshow or video to the class.
8. Bulletin board
Flyers, announcements, or any other form of paper can be posted on this type of panel, which is often constructed of cork.
9. Flash cards
Make a set of double-sided flashcards if you need to memories a list of vocabulary words as a helpful study aid.
10. Pencil
This writing instrument, which is made of wood, graphite, and a rubber eraser, is the most popular one used in classrooms.
11. Pen
This writing instrument substitutes ink for graphite.
12. Mechanical pencils
Mechanical pencils, which employ sticks of prefabricated graphite that may be pushed out of the plastic or metallic pencil, are replacing wooden pencils in today's society.
13. Locker
You can store your stuff in this tiny compartment during the school day.
14. Calendar
This calendar displays the days of each month and frequently depicts a class's lesson schedule for the entire academic year.
15. Posters
In their classrooms, teachers frequently hang posters, particularly motivational ones.
16. Stationery
This is an all-encompassing word for paper, pens, and other office supplies.
17. Stapler
A stapler can be used to quickly join many papers together.
18. Printer paper
Printer paper is a generic term for blank, white paper.
19. Textbooks
Most classrooms use textbooks, which are published publications with curricular material.
20. Globe
This three-dimensional world model is one that is frequently seen in classrooms.
And many things are more which we see around in our school but here there is requirement of only 20 things.