Science, asked by mauianquilo, 2 months ago

1. make a simple
plan that the community
may use to conserve
and protect its resources
for future generations.

2. prepare
a plan that the community
may implement to minimize waste when people utilize materials and resources.


Answered by thanishkaanil



A plan that the community may use to conserve and protect its resourcesfor future generations

Community service ideas can include a simple one-off act or an ongoingcommitment to a project or organization. Everyone has different amounts oftime and energy that they can lend to the community, but a lot of peopleare concerned about the environment. Luckily, you can do a few simplethings to help the community and the environment at the same time,without stretching your own personal resources too thin. As an individual,there are lots of things you can do, starting with not littering or polluting.Dispose of everything properly and even better, reduce your waste so thatthere is less to return to the landfill. Compost your food scraps and othercompostable, to return nutrients to the soils. Lobby to have cleaner watersand air in your part of the world and make submission whenever newproject are proposed that might cost more destruction of nature. Thinkbefore assuming that all human activities are either necessary of have to bedone as they currently are

think about a cleaner future and what it wouldtake to get as there. That is a positive thing to do, not a scary thing at all.Here are some ideas to get you started: Start a garden or plant a few trees.The best way to get the community involve in the sort of endeavor is tomake a garden a shared project for your neighborhood or town. Whenplanting trees, consider placing them in an area where members of thecommunity can enjoy them. Go door to door collecting old phone books andother unusable paper items. Bring them to a recycling plant. Clean upgarbage along a hiking or biking trail, or even just on the side of the road.Parks can be especially prone to littering, as are some stretches of highway.

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