English, asked by mahatopappu2002, 3 months ago

1. Many of us believe that "small" means
"insignificant" We believe that small
actions and choices do not have much
impact on our lives. We think that it is
only the big things, the big actions and
the big decisions that really count. But
when you look at the lives of all great
people, you will see that they built their
character through small decisions, small
choices and small actions that they
performed every day. They transformed
their lives through a step-by-step or
day-by-day approach. They nurtured and
nourished their good habits and chipped
away at their bad habits, one step at
a time. It was their small day-to-day
decisions that added up to make
tremendous difference in the long run.
Indeed, in matters of personal growth
and character building, there is no such
thing as an overnight success.

1)on the basis of the reading of the passage, make notes
on it, write at least four abbreviations and Suggesa
Suitable title so it. (5 marks)

2)Mate Summary of the passage in about 80 words. — 3 mark


Answered by janvid361


My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring

And carried aloft on the winds of the breeze;

For above and around me the wild wind is roaring,

Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.

The long withered grass in the sunshine is glancing,

The bare trees are tossing their branches on high;

The dead leaves beneath them are merrily dancing,

The white clouds are scudding across the blue sky.

I wish I could see how the ocean is lashing

The foam of its billows to whirlwinds of spray;

I wish I could see how its proud waves are dashing,

And hear the wild roar of their thunder to-day!

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