English, asked by SOLOSAFER12, 7 months ago

1)Many people have never thought about what they would do when faced with a home emergency, such as a tornado, a hurricane, or a fire. (2)People get scared and don't act right. (3)Being prepared in case of emergencies can reduce the risk of danger and prevent panic should emergencies occur.

(4)Each home should have an emergency chest that all family members can locate in the time of need. (5)A list of contents is helpful, and periodic checks and updates are recommended. (6)Suggestions for things to include in the chest:
Emergency telephone numbers (such as 911, police, fire, doctors, poison control, relatives, and neighbors)
Information relating to the health needs and medications of family members
A first-aid kit
A battery operated radio
A fire extinguisher
A hot water bottle
An ice pack

Read the passage on the left to answer the following questions:

What inference can you make when you compare the main idea in sentence two with the main idea in sentence three?
A) Preparation will eliminate all fear.
B) Fear can make home emergencies worse.
C) Tornados, hurricanes, and fires make people afraid.
D) Many things make people scared during an emergency.
The purpose of this text can be described BEST as
A) creative
B) descriptive
C) informative
D) narrative
Your family needs an emergency kit and you have told your parents that you will be responsible for creating one. According to this article, you will need all of these in your emergency kit EXCEPT

A) medication.
B) books and games.
C) a hot water bottle.
D) a fire extinguisher.


Answered by unzilaarifie


(35) (b)books and games

(34) (c) informative

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