) Match the following
a) fossils
b)Tremendous pressure
c) Organnally formed
1) Coal
2) Basalt
3 Genaiss
Sedimentary socks
s) Dynamic metamorphins
5) Dynamic metamorphism
sedimentary sa
d) Extrusive Agneous rocks
e) Granite
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Rocks Lesson #10
The Earth was formed about 4.6 billion years ago. The planet was so hot that the entire Earth was molten or liquid. As the Earth cooled, the lightest materials floated to the top and the heaviest materials sank to the center. The outer part of the Earth, the crust, consists of the lightest rock.
Rock Lesson - lava flow
The lightest rocks form the continents, which are made mostly of the rock granite. Most of the granite on the continents has, over millions of years, been broken down, transported, and deposited into sedimentary rock. These layers of sedimentary rock vary from 8-9 miles thick to nothing in some areas like the Canadian Shield of North America. The Canadian Shield has huge outcroppings of granite right on the surface. Under the thick layers of sedimentary rock lies the denser granite.
The granitic continents ride on a much denser rock called basalt. These basalts form the bottom of our continents and the bottoms of our great oceans. This layer of rock extends down to 40 miles from the surface of the earth.
Rock Lesson - Lithosphere
The crust is very thin in comparison to the other layers of the earth. The crust is only 3 miles thick under the oceans and about 40 miles thick under the highest mountain chains. The layer of the earth under the crust is called the mantle. It is over 1800 miles thick!! The crust and the upper level of the mantle form a layer of the earth that moves very slowly (1-4 inches per year). This layer that moves and causes earthquakes and volcanoes is called the Lithosphere.
Rocks are made of two or more different minerals that have been:
1. cemented together, or
2. squeezed and heated together, or
3. melted and cooled together.
Rocks make up the majority of the Earth's crust. One of the most common rock is granite. The four minerals that make up granite are feldspar, quartz, mica, and hornblende. Granite was formed when magma cooled slowly forming crystals of the four minerals that make up the rock granite.
Rock Lesson - Granite 1
Look at the photo above of granite. Notice the different mineral crystals that make up the rock, granite.
Most of the Earth's surface rocks are covered by soil or clay. Soil contains very small crushed pieces of rock and organic (plant and animal remains) material. Plants such as grass and trees grow in this region of the crust.