1. Match the following:
Natural resources
Actual resources
(iii) Potential resources
(iv) Aboitic resources
Biotic resources
(vi) Renewable resources
(vii) Non renewable resurces
(a) water, soil, forest
(b) black soil of the Deccan trap
(C) water, air, land, soil
(d) plants, animals, insects, worms etc.?
(e) high speed winds two hundred years ago
(f) soil, rocks, minerals
(g) coal, petroleum, natural gas
the answer is above for the question

Answer: Frankly. natural resources include water, air, land, soil, plants, animals, insects, rocks, minerals, and fossil fuels.They can be categorized as actual, potential, renewable, or non-renewable resources.
Explanation: Moreover, resources are any materials, substances, or other tangible or intangible assets that can be used to meet human needs or wants. They can be natural, such as water, air, land, soil, minerals, or renewable and non-renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, oil, gas, or coal. They can also be created or generated by humans, such as technologies, tools, and infrastructure. Resources are typically finite, meaning they have a limited supply and may become depleted over time. Therefore, the responsible management and conservation of resources are important to ensure their availability and sustainability for future generations.
With reference to the given table first natural resources include:
Water, air, land, soil
Plants, animals, insects, worms etc.
High-speed winds two hundred years ago
Soil, rocks, minerals
Coal, petroleum, natural gas
Picking up to actual resources we see:
Water, soil, forest
Black soil of the Deccan trap
In addition potential resources are :
Biotic resources
Abiotic resources
Furthermore renewable resources include:
Water, air, land, soil
Plants, animals, insects, worms etc.
High-speed winds two hundred years ago
Non-renewable resources are:
Soil, rocks, minerals
Coal, petroleum, natural gas
Learn more about natural resources: https://brainly.in/question/754415
Learn more about the main source of energy: