1. Maxmuller - River Saraswathi 2. Rigveda - Aryan invasion theory 3. Shri Dharampal Silapathikaram 4. Tamil Literature - Medical Scheme 5. Chakra Samhita - The beautiful tree
The Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT) is the idea that the Vedic people were not indigenous to the area of northern India, but were invaders from the CaucasusMountain region that descended on India around !"" #C$, and then wrote the Vedicliterature and forced the natives to accept their culture% In writing this chapter I want to emphasi&e that this boo' is not about the Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT), but weshould at least include one chapter on it to show its place in discovering the realhistory of the development of ancient India and the origins of Vedic culture% In doingso, I ac'nowledge there have already been volumes written on this controversialtopic, and on where the original homeland of the Indo Aryans might be% o anyonecan read any of those boo's until one is nauseated with various viewpoints, but that is not what we are going to do here% oing into a long dissertation about how all thetheories were developed and what evidence they found is the last thing I want to do%*or all but the specialist researchers and readers, it would ma'e for an e+tremelytedious boo', at least more so than some may feel it is already% o, we are only goingto summari&e some of the most recent and concluding research that is availabletoday%et us remember that the idea that the Vedic Aryans came from outside of ancient India and entered the region to start what became the Vedic civili&ation is a foreignidea% There was never any record, either historical, te+tual or archeological, that supports this premise for an Aryan invasion% There also is no record of who wouldhave been the invaders% The fact is that it is a theory that came from mere linguisticspeculation.