1) Medical geography is related
with which discipline?
Medical geography uses the concepts and paradigms of the discipline of geography to investigate human–environmental relationships of disease, nutrition, and medical care systems, of which maps and geographic information science (GIScience) are arguably most prominent today.
- brundag
health geographygeography uses the concepts and paradigms of the discipline of geography to investigate human–environmental relationships of disease, nutrition, and medical care systems, of which maps and geographic information science (GIScience) are arguably most prominent today. Therefore, site, situation, place, location, region, and all spatial concepts may be compared to the distribution and dispersion of most diseases, nutrition as a factor in sickness and health, and the supply and demand for healthcare resources. One of the predominant concepts of geography as a science is that it examines relationships between peoples and their environments in holistic terms. In the particular subfield of medical geography, the focus is upon those interactions that bear mainly, but not exclusively, upon human health within a variety of cultural systems and a diverse biosphere.