Business Studies, asked by raagav5756, 2 months ago

1. Mention any two aids to trade. 2. Define industry.
3. What is capital?
4. Define profession.
5. What do you understand by tertiary sector? 6. What is Entrepot trade?
7. What is E-Commerce?
8. What is a journal?
9. What is trade?
10. Mentionanytwofeaturesofsoleproprietorship. 11. Whatiscommerce?
12. WhatisBusiness?
13. Whatisaccounting?
14. MentionanytwofeaturesofOnePersonCompany. 15. Whatisbook-keeping?
16. Whatdoyoumeanbydrawingsinaccounting?
17. Defineco-operativesociety.
18. MentiontwofeaturesofPartnership.
19. Mentiontwobranchesofindustry.
20. Mentionanytwofeaturesofcooperativesociety. 21. Whatdoyoumeanbyhometrade?
22. Whatdoyoumeanbysavingsaccount?
23. Whatdoyoumeanbythetermliability?
24. Whatdoyoumeanbythetermasset?
25. Whatdoyoumeanbye-commerce?
26. Whatisajointstockcompany?
27. Definepartnership.
28. WhatdoyouRecurringdepositaccount?
29. Definesoleproprietorship.
30. MentionanytwofeaturesofJointStockCompany.


Answered by kushal5738


hay man


u thought u would complete ur worksheet easily by asking here the whole questions

no u may not be answered

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