1 min speech on games and sports a good ways to resolve wars and conflicts
Games and sports can be a great prospect to resolve the temptations of war and conflicts.
Games and sports increase the friendship and bonding among the individuals participating in the same, it promotes brotherhood, coexistence and a great feeling of joy and enthusiasm not only to the people participating in the same but also to the viewers and supporters who are greatly inspired by the events and the roars of the game.
Games and sports are also an imp integrity in peoples career as it influences their works rates and capabilities it also helps that individual to grow in a respective manner and in a disciplined manner which is very much essential.
Accordingly it helps to manifest the bonding and creates an overall integrity and friendships among different caste,creed and religion which creates an immense network chain that flourishes through ages and helps the society to stay strong in will thus resolving the issues of war and conflicts.