English, asked by p5ranjanikhi0la, 1 year ago

1 Min. Speech On "Importance On Nature"


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                         Importance of Nature

Good morning everyone present. I feel immensely privileged to have got the opportunity to express my views on 'Importance of Nature'. Nature is the alpha and omega of life. Man came into being out of nature. Without nature, man cannot exist for a second. The oxygen that he inhales every moment, comes from the nature; the water he drinks, he receives from nature. Similarly, food, fruits, vegetables, clothes, wood, iron, gold, diamonds, and everything he receives from the bountiful hands of nature.

Not only is nature the supplier of his sustenance, it is also the paint that weaves colourful patterns around his existence. The blue sky, the orange sunset, the white clouds, the green meadows, the silvery rivers and moon, the vibrant rainbow and flowers, etc;  these colorful entities make his life polychromatic and full of fun, peace, joy, and serenity.

Often his going to mountains refreshes his being after the exhaustion of the mundane life among machines in the cities. Nature, like a loving mother is always suckles man with its resources to keep him alive, healthy, happy and peaceful. However, the thankless man fails to be a responsible son. Owing to his selfishness and greed, the mother is losing its health. The stupid and narrow-sighted man fails to see that his own survival is impossible without the Mother Nature. Nature is not important for man, but rather an indispensability for him.

Answered by Chirpy
Dear friends we have all heard the saying 'Nature is the best preacher'. Just look all around you and you will surely find something inspiring. The sun teaches us the lesson of discipline. It rises in time and sets in time. It dispels darkness. Similarly we should make efforts to remove the pain and suffering of others. It makes the lives of people bright. We should make effort to make people's lives cheerful and bright.            
       The trees bear fruits but they do not eat them. They give it to others. So we can learn the lesson of selflessness from them. They give shade to the passerby. They give wood to make furniture and other items. Their entire life is dedicated to the service of man.
       The earth bears the burdens patiently. She is always willing to give to others. It provides shelter and refuge to man. It provides fertile soil to the plants and crops. It gives minerals, precious metals, stones, and many valuable things but never asks for anything in return. Similarly we should help others and share their burdens.
       Water teaches us the lesson of maintaining our purity inspite of coming into contact with all sorts of things. It also emphasizes the quality of mixing easily with others. It gives coolness and satisfies the thirst of people. We should be sociable and open hearted.
In this way we see that we can learn some good quality from each and every thing in nature.  

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