English, asked by jagrov5efpbindersid, 1 year ago

1 minute asl speech on topic art and aesthetics


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                             Arts and Aesthetics

John Keats, the famous Romantic poet says, “A thing of a beauty is joy for ever….” All the beautiful things in this world are either created by God or artists. All the beautiful structures you see such as The Taj Mahal, Redfort, Hagia Spohia, Petra, Pyramids in Egypt, the Colosseum in Italy, Eiffel Tower, etc. are marvelous creations of artists only. ‘All things bright and beautiful’ are created by artists.

If art and aesthetic were absent, the world would be dull, bland and insipid place. There were no ‘Harry Potter’ series to be read and enjoyed by millions of reading enthusiasts. All the inspiring movies we see that keep our eyes glued to the screen, would not materialize if the artists would not imagine, direct and enact them.

All the beautiful paintings such as Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Starry Night, The Creation of Adam, Sleeping Beauty, etc would not come out of nothingness if the artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, etc. would not have dared to colour them out of the vibrant colours of their imagination through perseverance and dedication.

Arts and aesthetics is the spice of life; they are the fragrance of existence. We are lucky that we have so many masterpieces of art bequeathed to us by the maestros of all time. What they created no one could ever copy them. It is true art is the divine language of God spoken to mankind through the works of artists.

Answered by loxia

Arts refers to the piece of work which is visual and is judged upon what it creates through aesthetics. It is a product of what human endeavors and of creative impulse. However, it can be in any form, music, idea, visual and so forth. Between the unconscious and conscious part of our being, art interplay its role. In order to build a connection with something beyond, art is a voice from the soul in the form of voice, color and so forth. It can sometimes aesthetically pleasing and can be disturbing through its imagery. Art enables to open different way of communication which in another way might not be possible. However, without the presence of art and aesthetics, the world would be dull as quoted rightly by John Keats, “A thing of a beauty is a joy for ever.”

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