1 minute speech on fear ?
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I have fears.
You have fears.
We ALL have fears.
Nobody is perfect, and we are all flawed individuals. And that’s OK.
What’s not OK, is to allow your flaws and your fears to prevent you from doing what you enjoy or becoming the person you want to be.
We all have fears. For most, it is the fear of failure. And for most of those people, the fear of failing prevents them from starting. And that’s a shame.Remember we all have fears. Humans, like all animals are hardwired with survival instincts. We call it fight-or-flight. Some goo-roos try to convince you that fear is not real. They say it is False Evidence Appearing Real. I say that’s Bull$h!t. Fear is as real as the ground under your feet. And there is no better motivator than fear. IF you know how to use it…
thanx i want little big... but its k
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FEAR may be called a passion, and was given us for a wise purpose, that we might avoid danger. If you hear a man say he never was afraid in his life, you may depend upon it he could easily be frightened. A man may be nervous from temporary physical derangement, and jump at his own shadow; this is not fear, but derangement. In many cases this passion has much to do with habit. One man is frightened of cattle and a horse's hind legs, while another loves to be amongst and near both. Another is frightened of dogs, while his next-door neighbor cannot live without them. A third fears firearms, and another is never so happy as when handling them. Some grown-up people are actually afraid of the dark, whilst others would sleep undisturbed in a house said to be haunted. A landsman fears the storm-tossed sea, while the old "tar" is quite at rest on his ocean home. Fear, like courage, is of two kinds, physical and mental, and training and determination will do much to overcome both kinds, and the man who really has least fear is he who has most religion in him, for his strong faith keeps it at bay.
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