English, asked by nparendramodi39, 7 months ago

1 minute speech on holy spirit


Answered by arzookamboj19


Power is defined as 1) the ability to act effectively and 2) the capacity to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. These two definitions accurately describe the power of the Holy Spirit. Because the power of the Holy Spirit is literally the power of God, the ability to act and influence is infinite, unlimited, and eternal. In this way, the power of the Holy Spirit is different from any other kind of power.

The Spirit's power was first seen acting effectively in the act of creation, for it was by His power the world came into being. Not only was the Spirit's power effective, it was more effective than anything known before or since. The power in creation was unique in that it produced everything from nothing. This raw, incomparable power could only belong to God, the Creator. The Spirit's creative power is seen in His creating new life in believers, producing spiritually alive beings out of those who were once dead in sin . To this day, the salvation of souls is a supernatural work only made possible by the Holy Spirit's power as He turns men from darkness to light.

The power to influence the behavior of others and the course of events is seen throughout the Bible as the Holy Spirit empowered men to bring about God's will and foreordained plans. The Spirit of the Lord came upon David in power, enabling him to do wonderful things, sometimes under great hardship and persecution . Although the Spirit did not permanently indwell God's people in the Old Testament, He worked through them and gave them power to achieve things they would not have been able to accomplish on their own. All of Samson's feats of strength, for example, are directly attributed to the Spirit coming upon him.


On this day we thank for the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of gifts, for his life, for the power that he gave us. We submit ourselves to him to be our life, our way, our truth.

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