1 minute speech on "Human greed
Fear and greed are commonly known as the two general forces that guide financial markets. ... Based on the assumption that tomorrow will be much like yesterday, people become greedy as they seek the easy win of 'something for nothing. ' They also fear being left behind as prices rise beyond their financial reach.
"Most of us believe that the biggest problems in this world are poverty, armed conflicts and even global warming. Well, its not, in fact the biggest problem that we face today is human greed. Greed is an intense and selfish desire, for something. The most common type of greed, is money. Greed is the reason thiefs steal. Greed is the reason why families are being evicted and put on the streets. Greed is the reason why there are wars over precious resources. Greed is the reason why innocents are being murdered. Greed is the reason why we are drowning in debt even before we finish our education. Behind most major problems in the world, greed is the core cause such as, the collapsing economies, poverty, and even wars."
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