English, asked by iszzychobella, 1 month ago

1 minute speech on Presence of mind and patience are the two values that help a person at the time of adversity and danger.


Answered by priya67885

Human values are the virtues that guide us to take into account the human element when we interact with other human beings. there are  various values like respect, acceptance, consideration, appreciation, listening, openness, affection, empathy ,love , presence of mind and patience .


1.Ability to think clearly and act quickly especially in an adverse condition known as presence of mind.

2. The presence of the mind is vital and quite important because it helps you to come out of difficulties and problem situations and at times also saves your time and energy.

3.presence of your mind also makes you sensible ab superior peoples around you and also inbuilt creativity and increase sharpness in your mind .

4.patience is the ability to endure difficult circumstances. also  involve perseverance in the face of delay and increase  tolerance of provocation without responding in disrespect and anger.

5 Patience is your ability and strength because it gives you special courage to treat adversity if you have patience then you able to manage any wrong person in your life if do not  have this virtue then you loose your temper and do wrong things.

Answered by arpit8253


& Patient;

Presence of mind” means keeping cool and collected in an emergency of any kind. It is not the opposite, of absent-mindedness, but of “losing one’s head”. The words mind and head in these phrases mean reason; and so one who has presence of mind in danger is one who has such control over his nerves that his reason is not upset, but still directs his actions.

People who, as we say, “lose their heads” in an emergency, are so overcome by such strong feelings as fear, anxiety or excitement that their reason is for the time in abeyance, or “absent”. In consequence they do and say silly things in their fright and haste.

It is generally some sudden danger, or threat of danger, that causes people to lose their heads. An officer may lose his head in a sudden attack; if so, he is not fit for his post. A driver may lose his head in the traffic of a crowded street, and cause a serious accident.

A business man may lose his head in a commercial panic, and rashly buy or sell shares to his loss or ruin. A mother may lose her head when an ac­cident happens to her child and sit down and scream, and lose her little one. But in all these cases, people who keep cool, and have presence of mind, may avert the danger and save the situation.

Presence of mind is, to some extent, a gift; that is, some people have it naturally. Such people are very fortunate; for their presence of mind in an emergency may save them from taking a false step which might mean ruin to them or others. But all are not so fortunate.

It is, however, possible for nervous and excitable people to cultivate presence of mind. The great thing is constantly to practice controlling the emotions. We must deliberately check and restrain ourselves from be­ing carried away by our feelings, such as, anger, fear, anxi­ety, excessive or excessive joy.


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