Accountancy, asked by wsm4952, 2 months ago

1. Mr. Vaibhav started business with Cash 1,00,000. 2. Purchased goods on credit from Rita Stores 9,000. 3. Purchase Laptop for office use 10,000. 4. Sold goods to Rina on credit 12,000. 5. Received Interest 2,500 6. Paid Telephone bill * 1,300. Give the accounting equation for the following trans Mr Swarai commenced business with Bank balance​


Answered by dhaaniyarm




Sr. No Transaction Assets (Rs) = Liabilities (Rs) + Capital (Rs)

1 Mr. Vaibhav started business with Cash Rs 1,00,000. 1,00,000 = 0 + 1,00,000

2 Purchased goods on credit from Rita Stores Rs 9,000. 1,00,000 = 0 + 1,00,000

(+) 9,000 9,000 0

3 Purchase Laptop for office use Rs 10,000. 1,09,000 = 9,000 + 1,00,000

(+) 10,000

(-) 10,000

4 Sold goods to Rina on credit Rs 12,000. 1,09,000 = 9,000 + 1,00,000



5 Received Interest Rs 2,500 1,09,000 = 9,000 + 1,00,000

(+)2,500 (+) 2500

6 Paid Telephone bill Rs 1,300. 1,11,500 = 9,000 + 1,02,500

(-) 1,300 (-) 1,300

1,10,200 = 9,000 + 1,01,200

Answered by Lakshmikumarisa




No transcation assests (Rs) = Liabilities

(Rs) + Capital (Rs)

Mr vaibhav started businnes with cash

Rs 1,00,000. 1,00,000=0 + 1,00,000

Purchased goods on credit from Rita

stores Rs 9,000. 1,00,000=0 +1,00,000

(+) 90,00,90,000

purchase laptop for office use Rs

10,000. 1,09,000 = 9,000 + 1,00,000



sold goods to Rina on cradit Rs

12,000. 1,09,000 = 9,000 + 1,00,000



Recived interest Rs 2,500 1,09,000 =

9,000 + 1,00,000

(+) 2,500 (+) 2,500

paid telephone bill Rs 1,300. 1,11,500 =

9,000 + 1,02,500

(-) 1,300 (-) 1,300

1,10,200= 9,000 + 1,01,200

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