Hindi, asked by pinkudas656, 16 days ago

1. निम्नलिखित शब्दों के सामने-मूल, यौगिक, योगरूढ़ लिखिए। यह भी बताइए कि ये मूल, यौगिक या योगरूढ़ कैसे हैं। (क) चार -------------------,चारदीवारी--------------------- ,चारपाई -------------------------(ख) पाठ ---------------,पाठशाला----------------, पाठ्यपुस्तक-----------------।​


Answered by tk3989419


char is mool chardiwari is yaugik and charpayi is yaugrrodh. path is mool pathsala is yaugik and pathyapustak yaugroodh in this way because mool means the origin and char is the origin word and chardiwari is originated from char it means it is originator means yaugik and charpayi is the originated word it means yaugroodh and the same case is with path pathsala and pathyapustak

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