Economy, asked by abhiroy0850900w, 4 months ago

1. Name them:
A. Chinese parliament
B. King of France during French revolution
C. Name of the prison which was destroyed
D. Which dynasty the king of France belong to
E. The political body of France
F. Three philosophers who helped in French revolution.
G. Two leaders who led the commoners but they are not commoners.
H. Leader of the jacobin club
I. Important leader of women's organisation
J. In which year slavery was finally abolished?​


Answered by preeti733


A. Quanguo Renmin Daibiao Dahui (National People's Congress)

B. Louis XVI

C. The Storming of the Bastille

D. Bourbon Dynasty

E. Estates-General

F. Voltaire , Rousseau , Montesquieu and Dederot

G. Maximilien Robespierr.

H. Maximilien Robespierre

I. Eugène Delacroix

J. 1848

Hope it helps you!

Answered by ShreyaloveAbhiroy


snap pe aao jaldi

Half-Wave rectifier is an electronic circuit which converts only one-half of the AC cycle into pulsating DC. It utilizes only half of AC cycle for the conversion process. On the other hand, Full wave rectifier is an electronic circuit which converts entire cycle of AC into Pulsating DC

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