Biology, asked by katigharvarshani, 3 months ago

1) Penicillin is extracted from ____________

2) ____________ of the gas makes the dough spongy in nature.

3) The process of conversion of sugars into alcohol is known as ______________

4) The process of administration of weak/dead organisms is called ____________

5) Vaccines were not known even ________ years ago

1) Answer the following:

1. Write the importance of Micro-organisms?
2. How do vaccines work in our body?
3. What is pasteurisation?
4. Write medicinal use of micro-organisms?
5. What is the importance of food preservation?​


Answered by maimunabegam25


1) Fungi

2) Carbon dioxide

3) Fermentation


5) 225

1) Used in baking cake

2) It gives immunity to the body to fight against anti bodies

3) It is the heat treatment process that destroys pathogenic microorganisms in certain foods and beverages

4) Used in production of antibiotics

5) Preservation methods help inhibit bacterial growth and other types of spoilage things and it keeps the food safe

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