1 point
Anurag is a right handed person.
While thinking about the spatial
arrangement of the furniture of his
living room, Anurag's will be
Directions: Read the following passage and answer the questions.
Anthropologists have placed together with the little they know about the history of left-handedness and right -hand handedness from indirect evidence. Though early men and women did not leave a written record, they did leave tool bones and pictures. Stone Age hand axes and hatches made from stone that was carefully chipped away made from sharp cutting edges. In some, the pattern of chipping shows that these tools and weapons were made by right-handed people, designed to fit comfortably into a right hand. Other Stone Age implements were made by or for the left-hander. Prehistoric pictures, painted on walls of caves, provided further clues to the handedness of ancient people. A right-hander finds it easier to draw faces of people and animals facing towards the left whereas a left-hander finds it easier to draw faces towards the right. Both kinds of faces have been found in ancient paintings. On the whole, the evidence seems to indicate that prehistoric people were either ambidextrous or about equally likely to be left or right-handed. But in the Bronze Age, the picture changed. The tools and weapons found from that Period are mostly made for right-handed use. The predominance of right-handedness among humans today had apparently already been established.
According to the passage, a person who is right-handed is more likely to draw people and animals that are facing