French, asked by jainpranit34, 1 month ago

1. Present Tense

2. Passé Compose

3. Future

4. Passé Recent

5. Future Proche

6. Imperatif (aff,neg)
pls explain​


Answered by tandrabehera772


1. Present tense is a grammatical term used for verbs that describe action happening right now. An example of present tense is the verb in the sentence "I eat."

2. The passé composé, a compound past tense, is formed by combining two elements: when (the action has taken place and, therefore, requires the helping verb avoir) and what (the action that has happened and, therefore, requires the past participle of the regular or irregular verb showing the particular action).

3. a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come.

4. The French recent past is a verb construction that's used to express something that just happened. It is called the passé récent. Avoid the temptation to omit the accents; without them, the phrase won't read properly.

5. The French near future—futur proche—is a verb construction that is used to express something that is going to happen soon, an upcoming event that will occur in the near future.

6. The imperative, (l'impératif in French) is used to give commands, orders, or express wishes, like 'Stop!' , 'Listen!' ... There are three forms of the imperative: tu, nous and vous. For all verbs, the imperative is formed by taking the corresponding forms of the present indicative, but without subject pronouns.

please mark me as brainliest.

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