Computer Science, asked by zetrex57, 3 months ago

Python: (1) Given a text document, find the number of times your name appears in the file.​


Answered by skpillai636


Many times it is required to count the occurrence of each word in a text file. To achieve so, we make use of a dictionary object that stores the word as the key and its count as the corresponding value. We iterate through each word in the file and add it to the dictionary with count as 1. If the word is already present in the dictionary we increment its count by 1.

Example #1:

First we create a text file of which we want to count the words. Let this file be sample.txt with the following contents:

Mango banana apple pear

Banana grapes strawberry

Apple pear mango banana

Kiwi apple mango strawberry

Note: Make sure the text file is in same directory as the Python file.



# Open the file in read mode

text = open("sample.txt", "r")


# Create an empty dictionary

d = dict()


# Loop through each line of the file

for line in text:

   # Remove the leading spaces and newline character

   line = line.strip()


   # Convert the characters in line to  

   # lowercase to avoid case mismatch

   line = line.lower()


   # Split the line into words

   words = line.split(" ")


   # Iterate over each word in line

   for word in words:

       # Check if the word is already in dictionary

       if word in d:

           # Increment count of word by 1

           d[word] = d[word] + 1


           # Add the word to dictionary with count 1

           d[word] = 1


# Print the contents of dictionary

for key in list(d.keys()):

   print(key, ":", d[key])


mango : 3

banana : 3

apple : 3

pear : 2

grapes : 1

strawberry : 2

kiwi : 1

Example #2:

Consider a file sample.txt that has sentences with punctuation.

Mango! banana apple pear.

Banana, grapes strawberry.

Apple- pear mango banana.

Kiwi "apple" mango strawberry.



import string


# Open the file in read mode

text = open("sample.txt", "r")


# Create an empty dictionary

d = dict()


# Loop through each line of the file

for line in text:

   # Remove the leading spaces and newline character

   line = line.strip()


   # Convert the characters in line to  

   # lowercase to avoid case mismatch

   line = line.lower()


   # Remove the punctuation marks from the line

   line = line.translate(line.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation))


   # Split the line into words

   words = line.split(" ")


   # Iterate over each word in line

   for word in words:

       # Check if the word is already in dictionary

       if word in d:

           # Increment count of word by 1

           d[word] = d[word] + 1


           # Add the word to dictionary with count 1

           d[word] = 1


# Print the contents of dictionary

for key in list(d.keys()):

   print(key, ":", d[key])


mango : 3

banana : 3

apple : 3

pear : 2

grapes : 1

strawberry : 2

kiwi : 1

Many times it is required to count the occurrence of each word in a text file. To achieve so, we make use of a dictionary object that stores the word as the key and its count as the corresponding value. We iterate through each word in the file and add it to the dictionary with count as 1. If the word is already present in the dictionary we increment its count by 1.

Example #1:

First we create a text file of which we want to count the words. Let this file be sample.txt with the following contents:

Mango banana apple pear

Banana grapes strawberry

Apple pear mango banana

Kiwi apple mango strawberry

Note: Make sure the text file is in same directory as the Python file.



# Open the file in read mode

text = open("sample.txt", "r")


# Create an empty dictionary

d = dict()


# Loop through each line of the file

for line in text:

   # Remove the leading spaces and newline character

   line = line.strip()


   # Convert the characters in line to  

   # lowercase to avoid case mismatch

   line = line.lower()


   # Split the line into words

   words = line.split(" ")


   # Iterate over each word in line

   for word in words:

       # Check if the word is already in dictionary

       if word in d:

           # Increment count of word by 1

           d[word] = d[word] + 1


           # Add the word to dictionary with count 1

           d[word] = 1


# Print the contents of dictionary

for key in list(d.keys()):

   print(key, ":", d[key])


mango : 3

banana : 3

apple : 3

pear : 2

grapes : 1

strawberry : 2

kiwi : 1

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