English, asked by janmejaymohanty1499, 3 months ago

1. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
A. The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree.
(i) Who is the poet of the given lines?
(a) Leslie Norris
(c) Carolyn Wells
(b) Robert Frost
(d) Robin Klein
(ii) Why does the poet call it 'dust of snow'?
(a) The snow particles were very tiny
(c) They felt like dust
(b) They came over him like dust
(d) They looked like dust
(ii) What does 'Dust of Snow' represent?
(a) Cool weather
(c) Healing power of nature
(b) Small particles of snow
(d) The positive mood of the poet
(iv) The crow and the Hemlock tree symbolise .. .
(a) victory b) happiness (c) celebration (d) sorrow
(v) What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
(a) bbba (b) abab (c) aabb (d) abba
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
i) What was the poet's mood?
(a) Happy (b) Sorrowful (c) Celebratory (d) Nostalgic
(ii) What had changed the poet's mood?
(a) The dust of snow
(c) The beauty of the landscape
(b) The cool weather
(d) The crow
iii) Name the poetic device used in the lines.
(a) Metaphor
(c) Alliteration
(b) Oxymoron
(d) Simile
(iv) What was saved for the poet?
(a) His whole day
(c) His whole week
(b) A few days
d) Some part of the day
(v) Which word is the synonym of 'regret' as used in the stanza?
(a) Rued
(c) Mood
b) Change
(d) Saved
2. Answer the following questions in 20-30 words each.
(i) Why do you think the poet had used the images of crow and hemlock tree in the
ii) Describe the setting of the poem.
(ii) Did the snow change the speaker's mood for better or for worse? Support your
answer with examples.
(iv) What does the poet Robert Frost want to convey through the poem 'Dust of Snow'?
English Language and Literature Class 10th
3. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each.
(i) A change has occurred in the poet's mood. How has this change occurred2
(i) What do the 'crow' and 'hemlock' represent joy or sorrow? What does the dust of
snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
iii) "And saved some part of a day, I had rued". Explain.
iv) How does Frost present nature in his poem?
Such connotations
4. Often we ascribe general connotations to certain things. Such connotations
influence our views on these things. Do you think that the poet has tried to question
such generalizations in his poem 'Dust of Snow'? (100-120 words)


Answered by dipanjandalai058


better or for worse? Support your

answer with examples.

(iv) What does the poet Robert Frost want to convey through the poem 'Dust of Snow'?

English Language and Literature Class 10th

3. Answer the following questions in 40-50 words each.

(i) A change has occurred in the poet's mood. How has this change occurred2

(i) What do the 'crow' and 'hemlock' represent joy or sorrow? What does the dust of

snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?

iii) "And saved some part of a day, I had rued". Explain.

iv) How does Frost present nature in his poem?

Such connotations

4. Often we ascribe general connotations to certain things. Such connotations

influence our views on these things. Do you think that the poet has tried to question

such generalizations in his poem 'Dust

Answered by MRarjun77



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