English, asked by mjshanthala, 7 months ago

1.Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow;
The Sahara Desert covers large parts of Africa. The desert is covered with
sand dunes or sand seas. The desert also has several deeply dissected mountains
and mountain ranges along with many volcanic mountains. Most of the rivers and
streams that are found in Sahara are seasonal or intermittent, except the Nile
river, which crosses the desert from its origins in central Africa to empty into
The central part of the Sahara is very dry, with little vegetation. The
northern and southern reaches of the desert, along with the highlands, have areas
of sparse grasstands and desert shrub, with trees and taller shrubs at places where
moisture collects.
What is the meaning of following words "seasonal, sparse and
“The desert is covered by sand dunes or sand seas". What is the meaning
of sand seas in the passage?
Describe Sahara Desert.
Why deserts are hot in day and cold at night?
"The central part of Sahara is very dry, with little vegetation". Explain it


Answered by Anonymous

AnswErs :-

1. What is the meaning of following words "seasonal, sparse and


⇒ The meaning of following words are :-

Seasonal - Which comes in a particular season

Sparse - Thinly scattered

Vegetation - Plants found in a specific habitat

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2. “The desert is covered by sand dunes or sand seas". What is the meaning  of sand seas in the passage?

Sand seas are flat areas of desert covered with wind-swept sand with no vegetative cover.

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3. Describe Sahara Desert.

Sahara desert has a varied topography. The desert also has several deeply dissected mountains  and mountain ranges along with many volcanic mountains. The central part of the Sahara is very dry, with little vegetation.

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4. Why deserts are hot in day and cold at night?

Deserts are hot during the day because of a lack of water. Deserts are cold at night because of the lack of water in the ground, and little water vapour in the air.

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5. "The central part of Sahara is very dry, with little vegetation". Explain it

The central part of the Sahara is very dry, with little vegetation. The  northern and southern reaches of the desert, along with the highlands, have areas  of sparse grasslands and desert shrub, with trees and taller shrubs at places where  moisture collects.

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