English, asked by Batman100, 3 months ago

1. Read the given passage and answer the questions that follow:
One day Anansi picked some tasty yams from his garden and baked them with much care. ‘Umm, they smell delicious!’ said Anansi, as he laid a plate, a knife and a fork on his table. Just then there was a knock at his door. Anansi peeked out of the window and saw Turtle. Anansi frowned.
Turtle had been travelling all day. His feet were sore, his eyes were dusty, his stomach was empty and he was parched. However, his nose had told him that Anansi was home and cooking yams for dinner, and so, Turtle proceeded up the walk to his friend’s house. ‘Hello, Anansi,’ said Turtle politely. ‘I have been walking for so long and I smelled the delicious yams. Would you be so kind as to share your meal with me?’
Anansi felt defeated. There was nothing he could do but welcome Turtle to his house, as it was the custom in his country to share meals with visitors at mealtime. But Anansi was not happy. ‘Please come in, Turtle,’ said Anansi. ‘I would be honoured to have you as my guest this evening. Sit down and help yourself.’
But just as Turtle crawled up to the table and placed a napkin on his lap, Anansi had a brainwave and he shouted out. ‘Wait! In my culture, a guest is expected to come to the table with clean hands. Go down to the stream and wash up.’
Well, of course Turtle’s hands were dirty. He’d been crawling on them all day. So he trekked down to the stream behind Anansi’s house to wash. Turtle cleaned his feet as well. He walked all the way back up and found that Anansi had already begun to eat. Anansi said that he did not want the yams to get cold and asked Turtle to join him.
Turtle sat down and reached for a yam but Anansi yelled at him. He pointed out that Turtle’s hands were still dirty. Turtle realised that his hands had turned dirty once more, since he had to crawl on them to return to Anansi’s house. He walked to the stream once more, cleaned himself, and walked back carefully so his hands would stay clean. But by the time he sat down at the table, Anansi had finished up the last bit of the tasty yams and not so much as a morsel was left.
A. What evidence do we get from the first paragraph of the passage which tells us that Anansi loved to eat ceremoniously? (1)
B. Why do you think Anansi frowned on seeing Turtle? (2)
C. How do we know that Turtle was a very accommodating guest? (3)
D. Choose the correct option: (1x3=3)
i. ‘Would you be so kind as to share your meal with me?’ This statement shows that Turtle was
a. polite.
b. demanding.
c. greedy.
ii. Anansi felt defeated because
a. Turtle would eat all the yams.
b. Turtle was annoying.
c. Anansi was forced to invite Turtle to his house.
iii. Anansi compelled Turtle to wash his hands twice. This suggests that Anansi
a. was very particular about cleanliness.
b. wanted to deceive Turtle.
c. was very cultured.
E. From the words underlined in the passage select the ones which have the same meaning as the words given below: (1X3=3)
i. extremely thirsty
ii. practice
iii. a sudden clever idea


Answered by jayeshkokare3316


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