1. Runako is a farmer in Sahara Desert. He wears heavy robe. Why do people in the Sahara Desert wear heavy robes!
People of the Sahara deserts wear heavy robes in order to protect themselves from the dust storms and hot winds.
The temperatures in the Sahara are very high and yet people there wear long heavy robes. This is due to sand storms and heavy winds. Sand and dust storms typically occur when strong winds and dry soils lift large amounts of sand and dust into the atmosphere. Scientists have become aware of the climate, human health, the environment, and many socio-economic implications. Sand and dust storms are common meteorological disasters in dry and semi-arid areas. These are usually caused by thunderstorms, or strong pressure gradients associated with cyclones, resulting in widespread increases in wind speed. It carries dust into the atmosphere from bare, dry soil, hundreds to thousands of kilometers away. About 40% of tropical aerosols are dust particles from wind erosion. These dust particles arise from the arid regions of North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Central Asia, and China. Therefore the people in the Sahara Desert wear heavy clothing.