Science, asked by kaursandeep81405, 6 hours ago

1. Select the correct options.
a) If a charged plastic straw is brought near an uncharged one, we will observe
ii. attraction.
i. repulsion.
iii. both attraction and repulsion.
iv. neither attraction nor repulsion.
b) When two objects are rubbed against each other,
i. they will acquire negative charge.
ii. they will acquire positive charge.
iii. one will acquire negative charge while the other will acquire positive charge.
iv. there will be no change.
c) The positively charged particles inside the nucleus are called
i. protons.
ii. neutrons.
iii. electrons.
d) Lightning occurs when
iv. all of these.
i. it is sunny
ii. there is electric discharge between two clouds.
iii. there is electric discharge between the cloud and the ground.
iv. both (ii) and (iii) occur.
e) Earthquakes can occur because of
i. the movement of tectonic plates.
ii. volcanic eruption.
ini, mine blasts.
iv. all of these.
f) Focus of an earthquake is the
i. weakness in the earth's crust where an earthquake occurs.
ii. point on the surface of the earth directly above the point of origin of the earthquake.
ii. point underground where the earthquake originates.
iv. sudden movement of a part of the earth's surface.
The instrument used to measure the intensity of an earthquake is
iv. all of these.
NIE. electroscope.
a. Richter scale
2. Fin the blanks


Answered by gursharanjali


The charged plastic straw will attract another uncharged plastic straw, when brought near to it because charges of different kind attract each other. The aluminium strips in an electroscope as shown in figure are replaced by plastic strips and a charged body is brought in contact with the metal clip.

Answered by Erica91

a) attraction

b) there will be no charge

c) protons

d) electric discharge from 2 clouds

e) movement of tectonic plates

f) point underground where the earthquake originates

g) siesmograph

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