Science, asked by RRLSTUDIO, 5 hours ago

1. Since valves acts as a door of the heart what might happen if these door do not close
a. Blood will stop to flow to other chamber
b. Blod will still flow to other chambers of the heart
c. Oxygen and nutrients will not be distributed throughout the body cell
d. There will be continuous flow of the blood to the different chambers

2. Mang Cardo, a cigarette smoker was diagnosed of having high blood pressure. How does cigarette smoking increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease
a. Chemicals in cigarette can damage the structure of the heart and the blood vessels
b. Smoking dilates blood vessels leading to increase blood pressure
c. Chemicals in cigarette lower the nutrients level in the blood
d. Smoking decrease heart rate and increase blood pressure



Answered by rakeshgil69


I think these all option are incorrect


when heart pump the impure blood does not go to very high pressure through the vein that's why there is valve to prevent backflow of impure blood

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