Science, asked by Mryuvrajyadav, 21 days ago

1 .State any four physical properties of metals.
2 .Write any two limitations of Dobereiner classification.​


Answered by abcd17867


Physical Properties of Metals

  • Shiny (lustrous) in nature.

  • Metal is a good conductor of electricity and heat.

  • Density and melting point is high.

  • Mouldable (Malleable)

  • Ductile.

  • At room temperature, it is in solid form except for mercury.

  • Opaque.

Two important limitations are: All known elements could not be classified into groups of triads on the basis of their properties . Not all groups obeyed the Law of Triads. For example, nitrogen family does not obey the Law of Triads.

Answered by ranidube456


  • Shiny (lustrous) in nature.
  • Metal is a good conductor of electricity and heat.
  • Density and melting point is high.
  • Mouldable

    2.Two important limitations are: All known elements could not be classified into groups of triads on the basis of their properties . Not all groups obeyed the Law of Triads. For example, nitrogen family does not obey the Law of Triads.

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