1.state the function of vacuoles in plant cell?
2.what are nucleoids? Where it can be seen.
3.where ribosome are present. what is their main function?
4.what type of engyme present in lysosome. What is their function? Which cell organells manufacture this engymes.
5.write the name of different plant part in which cloroplast, leucoplast, chromoplast.
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Class 9th question
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vacaule are the strange sack that store solid are liquid content.
2 it seen inside the cell bin nucleus
it is responsible for synthesis of ribosomes
3 ribosomes are the sack like rounded are spherical structure.
it is site of photosynthesis.
4 the enzymes made by RER which is capable for digesting the organic materials
5 chloroplast is found in green algae
it shows two two distinct regions 1 grana 2. stroma
sorry I not memorise the 4th answer
2 it seen inside the cell bin nucleus
it is responsible for synthesis of ribosomes
3 ribosomes are the sack like rounded are spherical structure.
it is site of photosynthesis.
4 the enzymes made by RER which is capable for digesting the organic materials
5 chloroplast is found in green algae
it shows two two distinct regions 1 grana 2. stroma
sorry I not memorise the 4th answer
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