Biology, asked by bolorundare, 6 months ago

1. State the importance of ecological factors to population of plant and animals (3 marks) Importance • They support metabolic activities: - Photosynthesis/nutrition - Respiration, etc • Supply of water is possible • Conducive environment for survival 2. i. Compare (a.) excretion and secretion S/No. Excretion Secretion Process of removal of waste Process of release of substances Waste products are released Useful products are released Involves substances like Urea, excess salts, water, CO2, etc Involves substances like enzymes, hormones, etc (b.) egestion and excretion (4 marks) S/No. Egestion Excretion Process of removal of undigested food Process of removal of waste substances Substances removed are not waste products but can be useful only that they are undigested Waste products are released which are no longer useful to man 3. State the excretory organs of the following organisms: crustaceans, fishes and amphibians. (3 marks) Crustaceans – green gland Fishes - kidney Amphibians - kidneys


Answered by aswathvishnu2006


I am going to write something don't mind me I want points


I am in online class na ho to play with the remainder of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the day of the opportunity to work with the opportunity to meet up with a constant of the opportunity of the day and come later in my home and would like for you to you Amulu is in a side effect of a triangle park NC State University University of a triangle is the best of luck in the looby is a go to this email is in a side view mirror and come up with you and the city's waste of the day and I need a good day of school education minister Manish Sisodia said to be friends with you.. I am in online always bro and rocky and gokul murli wale hi there I was just wondering what your thoughts here I am in

Answered by sourasghotekar123


1. importance of ecological factors to population of plant and animals

 a) They support metabolic activities: - Photosynthesis/nutrition -          Respiration, etc

b)  Supply of water is possible.

c) Conducive environment for survival.2.  (a) Comparision between  excretion and secretion

      Excretion Secretion Process of removal of waste Process of release   of substances Waste products are released Useful products are released Involves substances like Urea, excess salts, water, CO2, etc Involves substances like enzymes, hormones, etc


    (b) Comparision between egestion and excretion

        Egestion Excretion Process of removal of undigested food Process of removal of waste substances Substances removed are not waste products but can be useful only that they are undigested Waste products are released which are no longer useful to man

3. Excretory organs of :

      Crustaceans – green gland

      Fishes - kidney

     Amphibians - kidneys

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