1. Suppose you want to deposit silver on an iron spoon using silver nitrate as electrolyte. Which terminal of the battery should you connect the spoon to?
2. Boojho has done the activity of electroplating a spoon with copper. After that he interchanged the connection of the copper plate and the spoon. What will now Boojho observe?
3. Paheli while performing an electroplating activity observed that copper is deposited to the negative terminal of the battery. Boojho tried to repeat the same experiment but could find only one copper plate. Therefore he used a carbon rod as a negative electrode. Will copper be still deposited on the iron rod? Explain.
4. The above circuit was set up for purification of zinc. What will be the nature of (i) plate A (ii) plate B
(iii) the solution. Explain the process of purification.
5. Why is zinc better than tin for electroplating a piece of iron in order to prevent it from rusting?
btw itna ji ji kyu
1. The spoon should be connected to the negative terminal of the battery. The other electrode should be made of silver.
2.If after electroplating a spoon with copper, the connections of the copper plate and the spoon are interchanged, the copper deposited on the spoon will start disappearing and going into solution.
3. Yes, copper from the copper sulphate, so I will be deposited on a carbon rod.Then the copper from coper plate will dissolved into the copper sulphate solution for electroplating.
4. (i) plate A – Pure copper
(ii) plate B – Impure copper
(iii) the solution – Copper sulphate
Copper from impure copper plate is transferred
to the pure copper plate by the process of
5. Zinc is more reactive than iron, so it also acts as a sacrificial metal. This protection works, even if the zinc layer is scratched. The inside of a steel food can is electroplated with tin, a less reactive metal than iron. It provides a physical barrier to oxygen and water, stopping the can rusting.