1)दोपहर के समय सूयय श्वेत प्रतीत होता है, क्योंकक तबः
(a) प्रकाश का न्यूनतम प्रकीर्यन होता है
(b) श्वेत-प्रकाश केसभी वर्ों का प्रकीर्यन हो जाता है
(c) नीलेवर्यका सवायधिक प्रकीर्यन होता है
(d) लाल वर्यका सवायधिक प्रकीर्यन होता है
Many people think that the color of the sun is orange, red or yellow but that’s not true at all. Sun comprises of all the colors altogether.
Then why do we see different colors during different periods of the day ?
Well here is why.
Its a natural phenomena called Atmospheric refraction.
During sunrise and sunsets, light from the sun has to travel a greater distance to reach the surface as compared to light emitted during the noon. and also during sunsets, due to the variations in the density of the atmosphere, light waves that had entered the atmosphere at an angle (since during sunsets and sunrise we face away from the sun) undergo deviation and we know that the velocity of light decreases as the density of the air increases.
source: Wikimedia commons
Within the visible light range, red wavelength is scattered least by the atmosphere, therefore when light takes the longest path, most of the blue light is removed. this results in the orange - red effect that is reflected by the clouds and other molecules in the sky.
But during the noon,
The sun is overhead. So the light from the sun has to travel the shortest distance to reach the surface. Therefore the amount of atmospheric refraction taking place is quiet low, and we see the light emitted as it is. That is white.