1. The background color of the webpage should be orange and text color = white. The Topic of the webpage should be Bold, Underlined and in the center. 2. Display the list as shown in the figure. 3. At the end of the webpage display a marquee as shown in the fig. The text should move from one side and stops at the other side.
Answer:The use of color is a fundamental form of human expression. Children experiment with color before they even have the manual dexterity to draw. Maybe that's why color is one of the first things people often want to experiment with when learning to develop websites. With CSS, there are lots of ways to add color to your HTML elements to create just the look you want.
We're going to touch on most of what you'll need to know when using color, including a list of what you can color and what CSS properties are involved, how you describe colors, and how to actually use colors both in stylesheets and in scripts. We'll also take a look at how to let the user pick a color.
Then we'll wrap things up with a brief discussion of how to use color wisely: how to select appropriate colors, keeping in mind the needs of people with differing visual capabilities