Science, asked by pranavppj4422, 7 months ago

1. The cube of a number is that number raised to the power 3.
2. A natural number n is a perfect cube ifn=mº for some natural number m.
3. The cube of an even natural number is even,
4. The cube of an odd natural number is odd.
5. The cube root of a number x is the number whose cube is x. It is denoted by IX.
6. For finding the cube root of a perfect cube, resolve it into prime factors: make triplets of similar
factors and take the product of prime factors, choosing one out of every triplet.
7. For any positive integer x, we have 3-x = -x.
8. For any integers a and b. we have:
(i) Sab=ax35
(ii) 3


Answered by prakashkkaladindi


The cube of an odd natural number is



maye be even or odd

prime number



Odd natural numbers are not divided by 2

A number with cube means the number multiply itself three times  

Multiplying odd number two times will give an odd number and then again multiplying with same number will give odd number.

So cube of odd number 3 is 3×3×3=27

And 5×5×5=125

And 7×7×7=343

All are odd natural numbers  

Thus, cube of an odd natural number is odd

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