1. The daily wages of 50 workers in a factory are given below:
Daily wages
(in )
340–380 380-420 420-460 460–500 500-540 540–580
12 1 2 2 7 1 4
Number of
Construct a histogram to represent the above frequency distribution.
Step-by-step explanation:
draw histogram first group data, hope it helps

Given : The daily wages of 50 workers in a factory
To find : Construct a histogram
Daily wages Number of Workers
340–380 16
380-420 9
420-460 12
460–500 2
500-540 7
540–580 4
Histogram: a graphical display of data using bars of different heights. It is similar to a Bar Chart, but a histogram groups numbers into ranges
Attached histogram
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the ___ of all bars in histogram should be uniform. - Brainly.in