English, asked by vampire389, 10 months ago

1. The discovery of penicillin was a significant medical ..................

a) revolution

b) breakthrough

c) novelty

d) innovation

2. It's about time we .............. - it's nearly midnight.

a) to leave

b) leave

c) are leaving

d) left

3. The computer ................ so often if Larry ................. it.

a) had not crashed; had tested

b) might not have crashed; had tested

c) crashed not; have tested

d) might not have crashed; tested

4. Making personal phone calls during office hours is ............. upon where I work.

a) disapproved

b) condemned

c) frowned

d) criticized
5. .............. was at the party last night.

a) Anyone

b) Anybody

c) None

d) Everybody

6. Mr. Nesbitt ............ a lot of weight with the owner of the store, so he’s the one you should try to persuade.

a) takes

b) carries

c) pulls

d) measures
7. It’s a very ................ disease so we may all catch it.

a) rigorous

b) nagging

c) contagious

d) spreading

8. Sally has been feeling rather down in the .................. recently. How can we cheer her up?

a) dumps

b) mood

c) beans

d) feelings

9. Aspirin was used as a medicine as far .................. as the 5 century BC.

a) before

b) beyond

c) back

d) behind

10. Should any letters arrive while I’m away during the summer could you please ............... to me, as I’m trying to sort out a job for September.

a) send them on

b) send them away

c) send them out

d) send them in

11. They certainly ............... the mould when they brought out their latest model; it’s totally different from anything else they’ve ever produced!

a) destroyed

b) cracked

c) changed

d) broke

12. She certainly mentioned .............. Mark, but I don’t remember her ............. about Vicky.

a) seeing; talking

b) to have seen; to talk

c) to see; talk

d) to have seen; to have talked

13. Even though Joe tries to be nice, he always rubs me up the wrong ..................

a) side

b) end

c) time

d) way
14. Peter was too ............. to dare to stand up and speak in front of all those people.

a) self-conscious

b) self-aware

c) self-righteous

15. I don’t believe you really met Jack Nicholson; you’re .................. me on!

a) putting

b) having

c) taking

d) giving


Answered by ujjawal7860
1.- revolution
mark as brainliest
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